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7 steps to updating WordPress plugins safely

We are always asked by clients

Is it safe to update WordPress plugins?
Should you update WordPress or plugins first?
How do I update WordPress plugins?
How often should you update WordPress plugins?
Will updating WordPress break my site?
Will updating WordPress affect my site?
How do I update WordPress without losing content?
How do I manually update my WordPress core?

To answer the questions its never yes / no 1.2.3 as each WordPress site development is different. It requires years of insight into the themes, plugins, and widget layouts installed. Many pre-built themes have predefined plugins that work with the website in a specific way.

For example:

A client may have a Multi-Purpose Responsive WooCommerce Theme
The theme has a couple of demo option on layouts and included WooCommerce, part of the theme is a funky wishlist option or the product mages displays in in a certain layout / function.

  1. Back up your site. …
  2. Turn caching off. …
  3. Update your themes and plugins. …
  4. Update the WordPress core. …
  5. Turn the caching back on. …
  6. Check if everything is okay. …
  7. Back up your site again.