WordPress uninstall themes not used
Make sure you are in the directory for your WordPress site, then go to the wp-content folder. Open the themes folder. Find the folder theme you wish to remove, then right-click on it and select delete.
Likewise, you should clean up plugins, periodically. As plugins represent a greater number of elements you add more frequently to the website, the cleaning process should occur more frequently than for themes.
You should keep in mind that, before switching to another theme, you must make a backup of your current version of the website. Thus, if something goes wrong with the theme change, you can always revert to the previous version, without any risks.
In case of a Child Theme, there’s no Delete button for the Parent theme. This way, you’ll be sure that if something is broken, you can refer back to the Parent Theme.
Why uninstall themes not used
- The main reason why you should delete unused WordPress themes installed on your blog is that they can slow down your site. Themes take disk space and increase the size of your backup file.
- The themes might lead to security breaches
- Those themes might clutter the Admin Dashboard of your WordPress
- Unused themes removal ensures improved performance for the website.
Allow us to maintain your WordPress Website
WordPress Maintenance includes updating theme, plugins, and core framework to the latest version of WordPress. All updates include external backups to cloud servers.